

Alex Hendrix is an experience curator, writer, mental health activist, singer-songwriter and entertainment personality. Born and raised in Huntsville, her Alabama roots and appreciation for macabre combine to create a voice steeped in dark humor and painted in Southern gothic undertones.

As a songwriter she was awarded the 2019 Pen Women Creative Spirit Award and was named a Downtown Huntsville Innovator of the Decade for her work as Executive Producer of the Downtown Huntsville Women in Music Weekend festival. 2019 also signaled the launch of her show, Alex Tries, a comedic approach to promoting local experiences. In 2021 she was a 256 Magazine Faces Under Forty honoree.

She has written for outlets such as The Scout Guide Huntsville, The Huntsville-Madison County Convention and Visitors Bureau, and Huntsville Music and is currently drafting her first large-scale fiction work.

Alex Hendrix is the perfect blend of soulful, smart, and deeply disturbed.
— Grace Treutel, author
...like the Josh Groban of food inspiration.
— Huntsville-Madison County Convention & Visitors Bureau